Detects Malware
Monitors Backups
Checks for hard drive errors
Was your last backup successful?
Is your hard drive starting to fail?
Is there malware hiding on your Mac?
Health Scan knows the answer to these questions and more.
Health Scan is a lightweight app, running in the background of your Mac, making sure things are running smoothly. If a problem is detected Health Scan notifies our support team. Our support team will review the notice and contact you with the problem(s) and the best course of action.
Learn more about what info is share, and even more important what kind of info is not shared in our Privacy Policy.
Health Scan is a monitoring service and does not include any stated or implied warranties. Read Terms and Conditions.
We take your privacy seriously please view our Privacy Policy.
Already have and enrollment code?
Request Support for Health Scan:
[contact-form-7 id=”26009″ title=”HealthScan Support”]
Common Repair Questions
Do you fix out of warranty Macs?
Do you fix computers under Apple's limited warranty or AppleCare+?
How long will it take to repair my computer?
What should I do before I bring my computer in for service?
Also make notes, pay attention to the sequence of events leading up to your problem so we can make accurate notes when you bring in your Mac for service.
Do you upgrade hard drives, RAM or other components?

Product Feature
Product Feature