How to Find the Snaps You Want in the Mac’s Photos App
Feeling overwhelmed by the task of finding a particular photo in the haystack of your digital photo library? We run through all the ways you can categorize and search for images.

Did You Know You Can Save and Share Voicemail Files from Your iPhone?
For many of us, voicemail replaced answering machines, so we don’t think of voicemail messages as being something we can save or share. But on the iPhone, every voicemail message is just an audio file. If you want to retain a message for posterity or share one with a...
Use the Driving ETA Feature in iOS 13’s Maps App to Share Your Arrival Time
Traveling for the holidays? Share your ETA with friends and family.

Did You Know You Can Drag the Scroll Bar in iOS 13?
In previous versions of iOS, a scroll bar would appear on the right edge of the screen while you were swiping through a long Web page, email message, or document. But the scroller was merely an indicator of where in the page you were and how much content there was...
Need to Move Lots of Data Between Macs? Try Target Disk Mode
If you ever have to move tens or hundreds of gigabytes of data between Macs, give Target Disk Mode a try. It’s fast, easy, and reliable.