Learn How to Examine Your iPhone’s Battery Usage
Is your iPhone battery draining faster than you think it should? iOS 13’s Battery screen can shed light on the situation, whether it’s a dying battery or a rogue app. Learn more here:

Here’s How to Mark Up Photos and Screenshots with Text and Graphics in iOS 13
Ever needed to circle an item on an expense receipt, add some text to a photo, or sign a PDF…on your iPhone or iPad? iOS 13’s Markup tools are surprisingly capable—learn more about what they can do I this article.

The Fastest Way to Change Wi-Fi Networks in iOS 13
Historically, picking a new Wi-Fi network has required you to open the Settings app and tap Wi-Fi, forcing you to unlock your iPhone or switch away from what you were doing. In iOS 13, however, Apple added a better way to connect to a new Wi-Fi network. Open Control...
Use the Driving ETA Feature in iOS 13’s Maps App to Share Your Arrival Time
Traveling for the holidays? Share your ETA with friends and family.