Don’t Cook Your Digital Devices in the Summer Heat
As climate change continues to wreak havoc on our weather, many areas are seeing record temperatures this summer—Seattle just recorded its hottest days ever. You may be able to trade your business suit for shorts or skirts to stay more comfortable, but your electronic...
Don’t Worry about an Occasional “Not Charging” Message on Your MacBook
Starting with macOS 10.15.5 Catalina, Apple introduced a battery health management feature that improves your battery’s lifespan by adjusting charging patterns to reduce the rate at which the battery chemically ages. (Find it in System Preferences > Energy Saver...
Got a Mac Notebook? Here’s What You Need to Know about Battery Health Management in Catalina
If you have a Mac notebook with Thunderbolt 3 ports, the new battery health management option in macOS 10.15.5 Catalina could extend the lifespan of your battery. However, it comes at the cost of reduced everyday runtime.

Learn How to Examine Your iPhone’s Battery Usage
Is your iPhone battery draining faster than you think it should? iOS 13’s Battery screen can shed light on the situation, whether it’s a dying battery or a rogue app. Learn more here: