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I live in Savannah and I am trying to find a MagSafe 2 for Mac Air 13” from 2013
No one carries them in stores I need it by tomorrow
We typically keep a couple in-stock at all stores. I recommend calling Savannah for them to physically confirm it is in-stock and they can hold it for you. They open at 10am. Savannah’s phone number is 912-920-3440.
We recommend you bring your computer in so we can test it with one of our chargers to confirm that the problem is the charger and not the computer.
I live in Newnan and my son needs another screen, of course he was 5 when I bought it and you can only imagine what the screen looks like…scratches, cracks, and part of the screen has broken off. Do you replace screens for iPads and typically how much does it cost?